Friday, May 29, 2009

No Improvements Stated From NASCAR

The benevolent despots that rule NASCAR had their meetings with the owners and drivers of the Cup series on Tuesday. Everyone received a polite little pat on the head and were told that everything is just fine despite the poor television ratings. Here are the things the owners and drivers were told:

- Don’t worry about the drug testing issues, because we know best about that. Feel free to check with us before you take a prescription drug so we can tell you if we’ll suspend you for it. Even though what prescription drug you take is none of our business, we won’t tell anybody.

- And to improve ratings we’ve come up with this great idea to have all the lead lap cars up front on the restart - double file, with all lap down cars behind them. That should do it. So, if you are the second car a lap down and you are in between the first and second place cars when the caution flies we’ll just put all other lead lap cars ahead of you on the restart.

- And we are not changing the car! John Darby becomes apoplectic whenever we bring the subject up. He doesn’t handle change well.

- Yes, let’s have some more of these productive meetings.

NASCAR just refuses to get it. They insist on ruling from the top. They can get away with it because no owner or driver really dares challenge them. Sure, some owners and drivers spoke up on Tuesday, but I’m sure they were very careful in their choice of words and tone. They don’t want to upset the NASCAR despots and get paid back during their car’s next inspection.

Nothing, absolutely nothing, came out of the meeting that changes a thing from the fans’ perspective. NASCAR is tanking and its management just continues to whistle in the dark.

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