Saturday, September 25, 2010

Clint Bowyer Drama

There is an aspect of the Clint Bowyer illegal car drama and penalty that I cannot grasp. Cars are inspected at least three times – before practice, before qualifying, and then again before the race. So why wasn’t the 1/16 of an inch discrepancy discovered then? Why wasn’t it discovered until after the race?

This is very disturbing. It’s been stated that NASCAR can do a more comprehensive examination of the car when they get the car to their facility in Charlotte. It doesn’t seem right that the same examination cannot be done before the race. It’s bewildering.

I’m assuming that there was no concern about the car being modified to become illegal while the race was going on. No change during a pit stop resulted in the car going from OK to not OK.

And, I don’t understand why the issue with the car that Carl used at Richmond is relevant to this discussion. That was a different car. Laughably, NASCAR officials basically said the Richmond car was legal, but they better fix it before it is used again. Huh?!?! Sorry, we fans can only see these things in black and white terms. Legal and not useable, or not legal. One or the other. NASCAR has done this before, see my blog dated October 7, 2009.

I suspect that there are many fans as confused as I am about this process of declaring a car illegal after it had passed inspection three times. This is another area that NASCAR continues to build on their lack of credibility.

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