Tuesday, June 8, 2010

NASCAR's Overtime

For the 6th time out of 14 races so far this year the Pocono race went into NASCAR’s version of overtime. It resulted in a horrific crash, as had most of the other overtime races. Teams that had earned a decent finish for a hard day’s work ended up loading a destroyed car.

Miraculously, no drivers were injured. NASCAR dodged that bullet again. How long will NASCAR play with fire before it gets burnt?

If fans are interested in seeing that kind of carnage, risking drivers’ lives, then I’m very disappointed. NASCAR has resorted to a Roman gladiator type approach to increasing fan interest. That is sad. What is sadder is that this, apparently, is what the fans want. It won’t be long before the charges of NASCAR being a blood sport are heard again.

There is nothing wrong with finishing a race under caution. The race can, and should, go for the advertised distance. Let strategy for fuel come into play.

I’m afraid it will take serious injury or death before NASCAR realizes that Green-White-Checkers is not the best way to increase fan interest.

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