Thursday, June 18, 2009

Double File Restarts at Infineon

NASCAR got away with the double file restarts at Pocono and Michigan with little comment from the drivers. For those two tracks was it very much different? Such wide tracks with a significant distance from the start/finish line to turn one made the double restart benign, regardless of the TNT crew gushing over them.

The next two races (Infineon and New Hampshire) may be a little more interesting. Late race restarts, when the drivers are thinking it is time to “go”, may produce a lot more beating and banging. The result of that may be some bruised drivers’ feelings. When someone up front gets turned as a result of these close restarts with only a few laps to go, expect some angry words.

This may be fun for the fans, unless your favorite is the one that lost out. I think that the double file restarts are a good thing until the race is past its half-way point. After that it needs to go single file. Fairness cannot be totally sacrificed for fan excitement.

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